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In good hands all the way to the front door: Planzer Homeservice

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Under the Planzer Homeservice brand, we offer you, the manufacturer or distributor, a first-class delivery service to your private or business customers. It’s our answer to the growing demand for high-quality end-customer delivery for goods that may call for a bit more than mere delivery.

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Services that go all the way home

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Planzer Homeservice

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Highly trained employees, modern infrastructure and tools, and the latest technologies guarantee an exceptional delivery experience. And our Homeservice software also offers your recipients a range of practical mobile options. For questions related to the delivery, our Customer Service Centre is available to you and your customers at any time.

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Choose from two services with different additional options:

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Home Delivery

<div class="el-meta uk-text-meta uk-margin-small-top">Delivery to the kerb
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With the basic Home Delivery option, we deliver the parcel to the kerb of your private or corporate customer – without additional services. This task is performed by one qualified staff member.

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Home Delivery+

<div class="el-meta uk-text-meta uk-margin-small-top">Delivery to the end location
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With Home Delivery+, we deliver the order to the end location. This is generally an apartment or garden, but it could also be an office or shop. We send out two qualified staff members for this service. The plus stands for practical options that you can add on an individual basis.

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Additional options with Home Delivery+

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Unpacking and disposal of packaging
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Whether it’s at home, at the office or in your shop – we unpack the delivered goods, take all the packaging with us when we’re finished and have it professionally disposed of or recycled.

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Professional disposal of old furniture
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If you need to get rid of old furniture to make room for the new, we can take the old stuff with us when we go and dispose of it professionally.

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Professional disposal of old appliances
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Barbecues, washing machines and TVs – whatever is being replaced, we’ll take it off your hands and dispose of it properly.

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Assembly and installation of furniture and devices
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Your customers may not want to assemble their new furniture and appliances themselves. In that case, our trained staff will be happy to do it for them.

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Private and business customers benefit from the versatility of our Homeservice software.

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Perfect for e-commerce and multichannelling: Planzer Homeservice complete solutions

The web-based technology of Home Delivery and Home Delivery+ offers your customers a number of advantages:

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Perfect for e-commerce and multichannelling: Planzer Homeservice complete solutions

The web-based technology of Home Delivery and Home Delivery+ offers your customers a number of advantages:

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The delivery experience with Planzer Homeservice

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The item is paid for in the online shop or retail store. That’s where Planzer Homeservice comes in. As soon as we’ve received your order, we plan the delivery down to the minute.

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Choice of delivery time slot
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After the purchase, your customer will receive a link for delivery time slot selection via text message and email. They don’t need an app for this. We offer six delivery time slot options. If none of the options work for them, they can expand the selection. They can also check their contact information and make changes if necessary.

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Delivery notification
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In addition to selecting a time slot, they can also check and correct their contact information again (confirmation & updates). There is also another field for comments such as delivery instructions – for instance, ‘Please don’t park in front of the garage entrance’.

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Live tracking
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One to two days before the agreed delivery time, we’ll send them another text message and email. This message will narrow down the four-hour time window to two hours. Roughly an hour before this time window, they’ll receive a link for live tracking. They will now have a bird’s-eye view of our vehicle on a map, or they can switch to the street view.

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Once the team is on its way, recipients will be able to communicate with the team member in the passenger seat via a private chat window. The chat allows them to provide further helpful information for a smooth delivery or to make requests. For example: ‘Please ring the bottom doorbell.’

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On-site check
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Depending on which delivery variant and additional options you’ve selected for your customers, our Home Services team will provide additional services: we unpack the item on-site, assemble or install it and take the packaging or old furniture and devices with us when we go so that we can dispose of them properly.

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Your customers can tell us what they thought of Planzer Home Services. This will help us do just as well, or even better, next time. Our web-based rating system is, of course, completely anonymised.

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Data consistency
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From the ordering process to delivery time slot scheduling and the delivery of the shipment, your data and additional information remain unchanged and totally secure (end-to-end). So neither of us spend time unnecessarily transferring and updating data.

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Information flow

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Find out here how we exchange transport and warehouse logistics data with our customers and what options our customer portal offers.

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read more
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Greater benefits, greater value

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Highly trained staff and state-of-the-art software ensure the most positive end customer experience possible.

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Our IT experts use electronic data interfaces (EDI) for seamless integration of our logistics data with your ERP systems, so you can take advantage of all data related to our logistics and your end customers.

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Using TransNet, you can enter new shipping orders – from anywhere and at any time.

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This builds trust and pays dividends for your company in several ways.

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End customers give our Homeservice great ratings.

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Our own Planzer drivers are trained by us at our in-house training centres.

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We assist your end customers in the respective national language and usually even in the local dialect.

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BRACK.CH is all about providing a service. By working with Planzer, we are able to offer something that goes beyond just the product. To round off their purchase, we offer our customers numerous services directly in the online shop. These range from various types of delivery to set-up and assembly services. Planzer handles the delivery, schedules appointments and offers a complete installation service if needed.

Sascha Kappeler BRACK.CH
<div class="column_right"> Sascha <div class="relative blue_box bg_img uk-section-default uk-section uk-section-small" uk-scrollspy="target: [uk-scrollspy-class]; cls: uk-animation-fade; delay: false;"> <div class="uk-container"> <div class="tm-grid-expand uk-child-width-1-1 uk-grid-margin" uk-grid> <div class="uk-grid-item-match uk-width-1-1@m"> <div class="uk-panel uk-width-1-1"> <div class="full-width uk-position-absolute uk-width-1-1" style="top: -40px;"> <div class="uk-panel uk-margin" uk-scrollspy-class> <div class="height-25"> <div class="height-25 hidden_mobile">

Your contacts

<div class="height-15"> <div class="height-10 hidden_mobile"> <div class="ansprechpartner_container"> <div class="column_left"> Customer Service Centre <div class="column_right"> <div class="container_name_title"> Customer Service Centre <div class="container_phone_number"> Phone +41 44 744 68 56 <div class="container_email"> Email service@planzer-homeservice.ch <div class="container_name_title"> Request for offers <div class="container_phone_number"> Phone +41 44 744 69 39 <div class="container_email"> Email verkauf@planzer.ch <div class="contact_container"> <div class="address_content"> Address

Planzer Transport AG
Lerzenstrasse 14
8953 Dietikon

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Your Executive Board contact

<div class="height-15"> <div class="height-10 hidden_mobile"> <div class="ansprechpartner_container"> <div class="column_left"> Heinz Wiedemeier <div class="column_right"> <div class="container_name_title"> Heinz Wiedemeier Director of Planzer Home Services
Member of the Executive Board
<div class="container_email"> Email hwiedemeier@planzer.ch <div class="container_name_title"> <div class="contact_container"> <div class=social_networks>
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