International supply chains tend to hold some interesting synergies in store. But in most cases, they go unused. With our Planzer Synergistics brand, we tap into them for your company so you can focus on your core competencies. As your provider for fourth-party logistics (4PL), we hold all the threads of your logistics in one hand. The red ones in this case are efficiency, quality and flexibility.

Services for a secure future

Benefit from an optimum service, without compromise or restrictions.


To get started, we examine your current supply chain and check your processes, locations, means of transport, throughput times, inventory, warehousing and transport costs, tonnages and other logistics metrics. This analysis reveals where you have room for improvement. We then define your new objectives and corresponding measures. We explain how you can orchestrate the individual logistics providers. And we put together an individualised, comprehensive concept with a three- to five-year plan.


At this point, we put your new logistics solution into practice – in your company, with your customers, with your logistics providers and with us. This includes the adaptation of your software landscape and IT as well as the data migration to new systems. In many cases, it will also change your organisational chart. As a supplement, we train your users on site and introduce checks. The entire transformation comes into effect step by step as a ‘continuous improvement’ process in optimisation stages.


Countries, partners, systems – to keep them all coordinated you need expertise and technology. With our cockpit and a state-of-the-art ERP system, our experienced experts guide you through your new logistics. They record your transport, warehouse or inventory orders, plan the routes, select the right means of transport, pass along customer feedback to you and identify further potential for optimisation. They’re there for you and the 1st-level support. You can track the shipment status of your goods via the cockpit at any time. 

Freight settlement

Managing your logistics can be an unnecessary drain on your resources. So we take over the billing and checking of your supplier invoices for you. We also present your key figures in a clear way. If desired, we can also provide additional services such as a risk assessments or evaluation of transport insurance. In the event of damage, you can have us handle the entire claims settlement and coordinate the involved parties such as insurers, forwarding agencies, shipping companies and air carriers.

More information is available at

Blog post

by Melanie Eberhard · Tuesday 7 May 2024

Pretty awesome!

Snow, high-tech, made in Germany – what comes to mind when you hear this combination of words? Völkl, of course. What most skiing enthusiasts don’t know, however, is that we handle every Völkl ski and every Dalbello ski boot before they are worn for the first time.

Read the article

Information flow

Find out here how we exchange transport and warehouse logistics data with our customers and what options our customer portal offers.

Greater benefits, greater value

With us, you reduce the costs of your supply chain because we pool volume and transport jobs for you.

With us, you can make your fixed costs for personnel, vehicles and warehouse space variable.

As your supply chain manager, we raise the quality of your logistics and ensure fulfilment of your service level agreements.

Because you can count on our time and people, your manpower needs can become that much more flexible.

We make your value creation chain leaner and smoother. You can invest that money to better effect.

You optimise your taxes by reducing your customs duties or handling your VAT professionally.

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Your contact

Michael Stoll
Michael Stoll Geschäftsführer

Planzer Synergistics AG
Althardstrasse 301
8105 Regensdorf

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