Blind spots are one of most dangerous risks in road traffic. Together with Zurich City Police, we help children recognise the dangers of blind spots and respond safely.

Can you see them?

Two children are waiting at a pedestrian crossing. A truck is approaching from the left. It stops five metres short of the zebra crossing. The children stay where they are and look up at the driver’s cab. The driver beckons them across the road with a friendly wave. Only then do the kids start walking. Well done, you three! But things don’t always go this well. Every vehicle – especially large ones – has areas that the driver cannot see. This is dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Children, in particular, need to be aware of the dangers posed by blind spots. This is where we come in.

Children, take note – adults too!

For several years now, we have been committed to improving road safety. That’s why we launched a blind spot training course. At the request of parent associations, school heads, teachers or traffic police, our trainers visit primary schools throughout Switzerland with a Planzer truck. In the playground, schoolchildren are allowed to sit in the cab and see what it’s like behind the wheel. This allows them to experience blind spots at first hand and teaches them to recognise the risk. The local police are also usually in attendance at these sessions. They explain the right way to behave, such as making targeted eye contact, for example. These informative demonstrations help around 4,000 children in Switzerland learn how to safely avoid this particular road traffic hazard every year. The extensive positive feedback we receive from children, pupils, teachers and parents shows that our on-site training courses are very much appreciated.

You can find the basic rules for recognising and avoiding blind spots in our Planzer flyer ‘Beware of blind spots!’.

Joint initiative with Zurich City Police

You can never do too much to improve road safety. That is why we also work with the City of Zurich’s traffic police on the topic of blind spots. At the Aubrugg traffic training facility in Zürich-Schwamendingen, the City of Zurich’s traffic experts run practical traffic courses for schoolchildren. These teach primary schoolchildren about various road safety matters. This includes dealing with trucks and blind spots – as part of their preparation for the obligatory cycling test, for example.

We provide an original Planzer truck for this, featuring a tarpaulin with a special ‘blind spot’ design. This is available to the Aubrugg traffic facility and Zurich City Police all year round. In winter, the truck returns to one of our Planzer workshops for maintenance and cleaning.

«The City Police has found a solid, reliable partner in Planzer and students receive clear, realistic and therefore long-lasting traffic training.»

Daniel Scherler, Traffic Instructor, Zurich City Police

A topic for everyone

The potential hazard posed by blind spots applies to all road users. So it is all the more important to know how to behave around trucks. Adults also need to be familiar with this topic, which is why the rear stickers on our trucks draw attention to it. Our drivers also undergo special safety awareness training and learn how to pay greater attention to pedestrians and cyclists. In cooperation with the Swiss Road Transport Association ASTAG, we have developed the ‘Recognising and avoiding blind spots’ brochure. This tells you what to look out for with regard to blind spots. If you are interested, you can order the printed version free of charge in the ASTAG shop.

Lifelong learning

Every year, children in Year 4 attend a half-day road safety course at the Aubrugg traffic training facility. Following a brief theory session, they practise the correct behaviour in traffic on borrowed bikes in small groups. The focus is on using hand signals when turning left, stopping at stop signs and right-of-way rules. The Planzer truck ‘Blind spot training – improved safety for all!’ teaches the children about the dangers of blind spots. Finally, they apply their learning on the streets, accompanied by the traffic police.

The City of Zurich’s «traffic garden»

Every year, children in Year 4 attend a half-day road safety course at the Aubrugg traffic training facility. Following a brief theory session, they practise the correct behaviour in traffic on borrowed bikes in small groups. The focus is on using hand signals when turning left, stopping at stop signs and right-of-way rules. The Planzer truck ‘Blind spot training – improved safety for all!’ teaches the children about the dangers of blind spots. Finally, they apply their learning on the streets, accompanied by the traffic police.

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