The young rebels of today are the experienced hands of tomorrow. That’s why, at Planzer, we attach particular importance to promoting the next generation of talent. You can find everything we have to offer by way of apprenticeships and taster training at our new website

‘What do I want to be?’ It’s a question that occupies most young people at the end of their regular school years. ‘What will become of him/her?’ It’s a question that keeps the parents of young people awake at night. Take a look at our new apprentice website and apply yourself to your future.

Just as we are

At, we present all the apprenticeships we have to offer. Professional photos and videos offer potential applicants an even better impression. (Editorial note: All photos and videos were created by our in-house graphic artists and designers, and all photo and video models are trainees from Planzer companies.)

Making the decision easier

In addition to job profiles and apprenticeship listings, our apprenticeship site includes a job finder, facts about our company and tips on applying. Because we know from our extensive experience in hiring apprentices that the application process can be difficult, not to mention frustrating. Our job finder helps narrow down the choice and get you one step closer to the right job. We also apply a ‘usability test’ to observe how trainees navigate our new website. We have taken these findings and their valuable input and incorporated them into the design of the website.

Attention teachers!

Our apprenticeship website is also the right address for teachers. The ‘Let’s get to work’ programme lets teachers, lecturers and school principals bring us into their schools. There, we give the young people an insight into everyday working life and offer support as they prepare to enter a career. ‘Let’s get to work’ also makes the transition from secondary level 1 to working life easier for school pupils.

  • Taster: applicants can register for a taster apprenticeship in a quick and easy process here.
  • About Planzer: packed tight with everything you need to know about Planzer.
  • Tips: find out how to get your application to the top of the pile.
  • Job finder: undecided? The job finder offers greater clarity about the right job.
  • Teachers: trainers can find out more about school outreach at Planzer here.
  • Apply now: this is the place for apprentices to apply, in three easy steps: 

    to the application form

‘My grandfather was a truck driver. I’m following in his lane, so to speak.’

Selina, in training to become a road transport specialist with Planzer

As a major employer in the Swiss transport and logistics industry, we train over 300 apprentices in 11 exciting professions every year. We offer apprenticeships and taster training and have qualified professional and practical trainers on hand to assist trainees. As a family company in the third generation, promoting the next generation is important to us. That’s why we’re always looking for the talents of tomorrow.

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