A five-day driver training course familiarises prospective Planzer drivers with our company motto: successful driving starts with thorough preparation.

A family enterprise with heart

Slippery roads, poor visibility, tight parking spaces, no place to turn around, tricky construction sites, grinding congestion, new stopping restrictions, surly recipients – the list of challenges in the everyday life of a driver seems endless. In spite of this, or perhaps just because of it, we demand the highest standards of our drivers when it comes to punctuality, friendliness, enthusiasm for the job and deep technical expertise.

Exactly how we define those qualities is conveyed to prospective drivers even before their first kilometres on the road in a five-day introductory training course. As a transport and logistics company, driving is one of our core competencies, so we put our heart and soul into it.

Putting drivers through their paces

The five introductory days at the Planzer Training Centre in Dällikon and Penthalaz are known as the ‘Central Introduction Programme’, or CIP for short.The jam-packed schedule covers challenging topics like vehicle knowledge and equipment, navigation practices, test drives with a driving instructor, training for proper conduct at the (end) customer’s location, employment law and occupational safety, conduct in the event of accidents and completing accident reports, working with the on-board unit, trying on the work clothing and, finally, general information about the Planzer Group. Over these five days, our new employees become familiar with both the theory and the practice, not to mention the Planzer family. The course wouldn’t be complete without meeting a member of the family and enjoying an event together with delectable dishes prepared by our in-house chefs.

Licence to launch a great career

At the end of the driver training, all CIP participants take a written final examination with just under 70 questions and are also tested on their implementation of the course contents behind the wheel. This gives participants the confidence to get off to a great start and prepares them for the twists and turns of the road ahead. ‘I’d love to just get started working tomorrow.’ We hear this remark a lot in the discussion on the final day of the course. The CIP gives our newcomers the confidence they need and leaves no doubt: Planzer demands a lot. And has your back.

The job is in safe hands

That good feeling is by no means only for our employees. Planzer customers also benefit from the intensive training of our drivers. After all, they literally personify the delivered product. When they deliver the perfect reception experience at the receiving dock or front door and do their part to make sure the customer is satisfied, they burnish the image of our clients and strengthen the public’s trust in their brands. And in the long run, that effort also shows up in our customers’ coffers.

Getting ahead with continuous training

Why all this effort? Because we care about the people who work for us. And because qualification and ongoing training are part of who we are as a family business that takes the long view. We think and act in terms of generations, not quarterly reports. So when we get out on the road, we want to be able to rely on the kind of people who fit with our company culture. People who embody the qualities that set us apart. And people who associate our name with the values we hold dear: family, passion, sustainability, flexibility and a personal touch.

By the way: It’s not just our drivers who enjoy the privilege of a comprehensive preparation for their new job. Within the Planzer Group, we also offer other newcomers the opportunity to take part in introductory programmes that get them up to speed on the company and the tasks that await them on the job.

«Our drivers not only give a face to the Planzer company,but also represent our clients at the front door or receiving dock. That’s a big responsibility.»

Simon von Arx, Director of Training


«Change only favours minds that are diligently looking and preparing for discovery.» This insight comes from the French chemist and researcher Louis Pasteur. Although he said those words almost 200 years ago, they are truer than ever today. The Earth spins on its own axis and makes change the driving force of our daily lives. We want to make the best use of this potential by preparing ourselves for change in the best possible way. A solid introduction is key to the fundamentals of driving – just as agility is key to our business principles.

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