We have received the award for best training company 2024 in the “large company” category within the canton of Geneva.

This special accolade recognises the hard work and commitment of our three Geneva branches, which provide a valuable contribution every day to training the next generation of skilled workers. In Geneva, we offer road transport specialist, commercial specialist and logistics specialist apprenticeships. We’d like to say a big thank you to all the employees whose dedication has made this award possible. The Planzer Group attaches great importance to training young talent. Across Switzerland, we train over 400 apprentices in 15 different professions, including 18 apprentices in Geneva.

About the award

At a special ceremony, eight Geneva-based companies (one per training centre and one large company) were awarded for the quality of their commitment to vocational training. The prize for the best company is an initiative of the Cité des Métiers association, which brings together employer and trade union federations as well as the “Département de l’instruction publique, de la formation et de la jeunesse” (DIP). Alongside the award, ten apprentice trainers received their federally recognised diploma.

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