With the newly founded Planzer Synergistics AG, we offer companies neutral consulting in the area of supply chain management, showing them how they can economically and efficiently optimise their entire value creation chain in terms of logistics. We assess the entire supply chain and are able to draw on our expertise as a large-scale logistics provider if necessary. Our extensive network aids us in this.

We assess the entire supply chain and are able to draw on our expertise as a large-scale logistics provider if necessary.

We offer the following services:

  • Strategic consulting in the area of transport and warehouse logistics across the entire value creation chain
  • Creation of domestic and international logistics concepts
  • Implementation of one-off and recurring projects
  • Management and optimisation of customers’ operative logistics
  • Billing incl. invoice auditing for customers
  • Transport insurance incl. claims settlement

Thanks to the global logistics experience of Michael Stoll, Managing Director of Planzer Synergistics AG, we can approach customers’ needs in a targeted manner, thus guaranteeing a cost- and resource-optimised overall solution regardless of the industry. Planzer Synergistics AG is based in Regensdorf and currently employs four members of staff.

More information about Planzer Synergistics is available at www.synergistics.planzer.ch

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