In this interview, we delve into the fascinating world of cooperation between our subsidiary, Kuoni, and the renowned Swiss company Kindschi. Learn more about how tradition and modern logistics go hand in hand.

Dear Mr Dudler, we’re delighted to be working with you and to be able to distribute your famous Bündner Röteli Likör, for example. Could you give us a brief insight into the history and significance of this traditional product?

Bündner Röteli cherry liqueur is our flagship product. Our Kindschi predecessors created the recipe around a hundred years ago and today, our cherry liqueur is still made in the same way it was back then. The cherry liqueur tradition is easily explained: throughout Graubünden, people welcome in the new year with a glass of cherry liqueur on 31 December. In bygone times, young men took advantage of this tradition to meet single women and drink a toast with them – thereby developing an initial connection. Today, there are around a thousand different varieties of cherry liqueur in Graubünden. But Kindschi is the only company that produces this liqueur on an industrial scale – around 80,000 litres a year – and sells it throughout Switzerland.

How can we, Kuoni, help with your logistics?

We’ve been working with Kuoni for over 15 years now. Kuoni does everything for us, from micro-distribution to large orders. We also have external storage at Kuoni, including warehouse management and order picking. This works extremely well and we can rely on customers receiving their goods within 24 hours. Kuoni is no longer simply a logistics provider for us – it’s also become a valued friend.

What do you appreciate about this partnership?

The punctuality and the excellent warehouse management. Since Planzer Parcels joined, we also appreciate reliable deliveries to all our shop customers.

In which markets is Bündner Röteli Likör particularly popular? Are there any logistical differences given your wide array of target markets?

That’s an interesting question. I’ve been part of this team for 25 years and have found that our product is popular across all age groups. We’re unable to explain this phenomenon, but our cherry liqueur speaks for itself. We supply both wholesalers and small distributors throughout Switzerland. Of course, logistics always poses challenges. But we’re in an excellent position, thanks to partners like Kuoni and Planzer.

And finally: what future developments or innovations are Kindschi planning with regard to the production and logistics of its Bündner Röteli Likör?

We’re currently gaining a foothold in international markets. As we’re part of the Marussia Beverages Group, which operates worldwide, we’re aiming to offer Bündner Röteli in countries such as Germany, Austria, the United States and Japan. So we’ve given our cherry liqueur a new design. It’s still early days, but we’re confident that we’ll succeed. We also have new products in the pipeline. For example, we’ve launched our new Hunter range, which is available as three different kinds of vodka liqueur. Further innovations are certain to follow.

Kindschi Company Profile

The traditional family business was founded in 1860 and has been a subsidiary of the Marussia Beverages Group since June 2019. The famous liquid Graubünden specialities are distilled and produced in its distillery using traditional handcrafting techniques. Its commitment to quality and natural ingredients makes its liqueurs, special brandies and spirits genuine specialities. Today, Kindschi is the largest distillery in Graubünden and Rico Kindschi is the fifth generation of the family to manage production. In addition to its own-brand Graubünden specialities, Kindschi is also famous as a traditional spirits and wine business. Customers can order international spirits from them, as well as wines from Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Japan, Russia, Scotland and all over the world, or purchase these directly from their in-house shop in Schiers.

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