Safety is one of the bedrock principles of our business activity. And one of our core values. Our activities relate to people (occupational safety, authorisations, training, health, etc.), the Planzer infrastructure (building, access, vehicles, electrical and others), technological aids (technology, IT, data protection) and customer goods in terms of correct storage and so forth. These activities are both preventive and reactive in nature and take the form of various measures and certificates.

Services that let you rest easy

Business Continuity Management (BCM)

With clever and consistent BCM, we prevent incidents that could threaten our livelihood. We handle emergencies and crisis situations with aplomb and ensure the continuity of our business activities. In other words: we are a dependable business partner for you, come what may.

Zu unserem BCM gehört ein stringentes Risikomanagement, die systematische Kontinuitätsplanung bei existenziellen Ausfällen, eine lückenlose Ressourcenparallelität, ausfallsichere Prozesse sowie das regelmässige Schulen und Trainieren diverser Szenarien. Lesen Sie hier mehr über unser BCM.

Download the BCM brochure

Occupational safety and health protection

For safety and occupational health in the workplace, we have adopted the industry solution by the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (FCOS) and the Swiss Road Transport Association (ASTAG).

Our safety policy for our employees includes safety goals, mission statement and rules, a mandatory safety organisation, training, instruction and information, regular hazard identification and risk assessment, as well as effective action planning, implementation and monitoring – and, of course, a well-rehearsed emergency plan for the worst-case scenario. Our workplace safety is also WHO compliant.

Fire and electrical safety

We regularly practise fire readiness. Our safety officers conduct evacuation drills and repeatedly check the fire and electrical safety of our infrastructure such as fire alarms, sprinkler systems and other systems. We also ensure that the storage of hazardous goods complies with both the hazardous goods regulations and the cantonal guidelines.

IT security and data protection

With the internet as a second reality, virtual threats have emerged that can pose existential risks – for you and for us. We prevent hacker attacks and data misuse with sophisticated IT apparatus and proven cyber insurance. We also work closely with the Federal Council’s Reporting and Analysis Centre for Information Assurance (MELANI). We are a member of the MELANI closed user-group for critical infrastructures in the field of logistics.

Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)

Our status as an Authorised Economic Operator, or AEO, certifies our reliability with regard to the security of the international supply chain. So your goods benefit from facilitated security-related checks, for instance in air or sea freight.

Multiple certifications

Safety can be asserted theoretically or implemented practically. We’ve opted for both. This is attested by various domestic and international safety certificates (see the following list).

Safety and quality certificates




IFS Logistics

Sedex Smeta



Greater benefits, greater value

We keep our security policy up to date for you.

When safety standards change, you don’t have to deal with it – we do.

You can leave the training and awareness-raising work up to us.

We keep our infrastructure up to date with the latest safety requirements.

We can take care of your electronic archiving needs.

You use our dense network of partner service providers and authorities.

Related stories from our blog

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New on the road – Planzer tests recyclable truck tarpaulins from FREITAG

«Do you remember?» – with Otto Löffler

Your contact

Hansjörg Rupp
Hansjörg Rupp Member of the management / Director of Staff

Planzer Transport AG
Industriestrasse 10
8108 Dällikon

+41 (0) 44 / 744 64 64 Contact form Customer portal Locations Jobs Empty pallet collection Online store