Intact transport routes and a well-developed infrastructure are the prerequisites for economic and personal mobility. However, striking a balance of environmental concerns, the reliable supply of goods, social needs, individual interests, political decisions and financial resources is an extremely delicate task. The reality is excessive emissions, endless traffic jams, strained public transport capacity and other issues. With innovative approaches and measures,  we’re doing our utmost to promote sustainable transport development and a harmonious conception of analogue and digital mobility.

Staying mobile with fresh thinking

City logistics

Under the heading city logistics, we have developed a transport concept for urban areas that makes use of synergies between pick-up and delivery and fosters sustainable supply concepts. The core of the concept is rail as the main mode of transport. With this forward-looking approach, we ensure a high level of supply quality in cities while simultaneously meeting the needs of city-dwellers, lowering noise and emissions and increasing the efficiency of our urban transport business.

Alternative drive technologies

Today, we are already using electric trucks, an e-cargo bike and a horse-drawn carriage in Zermatt, and are checking into the use other small vehicles with alternative drive technologies. As a family-owned company, we care about the environment, and that is why we are committed to the research and further development of resource-conserving drive technologies and autonomous driving such as networked and self-driving trucks or construction site security vehicles. We are also looking into hydrogen and hybrid solutions. We are testing the latter as part of a pilot project in the Bern area.

Joint pilot project ‘Planzer – Dynamic Micro Hub with LOXO’

On 19 September 2024 in Bern, we launched the innovative ‘Planzer – Dynamic Micro Hub with LOXO’ pilot project, together with the Swiss tech start-up LOXO. Our common goal is to make city logistics in Switzerland’s urban areas more efficient, sustainable and future-proof.

«Small electric delivery vehicle» pilot project with cooperation partner Kyburz

The sustainable delivery of cargo and parcels on the last mile in urban areas and city centres is nothing new. What is new, however, is our pilot project with Kyburz, the Zurich market leader for sustainable mobility solutions. In summer 2023, we spent a month operating an electric three-wheeler and trailer from Kyburz in District 1 in Zurich. The initial feedback from those in-volved is clear: fantastic!


Filling stations of the future

The diversification of fuels is an unstoppable trend. Whatever mix of fuels is offered in the future, the filling station of the future will bring this new fuel mix under one roof. We can apply our knowledge, infrastructure and experience in this regard.

Smart fleet management

Managing a fleet is the technical programme in the ‘sport’ of logistics. Managing a fleet intelligently is the freestyle portion. That’s why the technology we use includes telematics, GEO localisation for route-optimised dispatching, digital tools for predictive repair, data entry with quick-scan applications and eco-drive analysis. With our Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), we monitor the tyre pressure in our vehicles around the clock. This helps us prevent accidents caused by faulty tyres.

Approaches to mobility

In the context of the Unternehmergruppe Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, we have presented a position paper in which we formulate simple, yet precise measures and approaches for a sustainable Zurich economic region. Here are a few examples.

Mobility hubs

Using regional mobility hubs to establish a time-optimised option of driving from the motorway to a regional car park and then taking the express train to Zurich main station.

Mobility pricing

Motorised individual transport and the enormous flows of commuters overload the transport infrastructures, particularly at peak hours. Outside of these peak times, the infrastructure is only insufficiently utilised. As expansion possibilities will eventually be exhausted, utilisation must be optimised. Our motto: ‘digital beats concrete’. One promising measure is mobility pricing, in which mobility costs vary depending on the time of use for the various road users. We support this concept as a means of avoiding a potential collapse of the Swiss transport system in the future.

Analogue vs digital

The best results are achieved by approaches that coordinate analogue and digital mobility, for instance by linking the individualisation of services with the modes of transport appropriate in a given case.

Swiss network

This concept aims to develop the cross-border rail network in a complementary manner to the existing air connections.


According to the United Nations, almost 70% of the world’s population will live in an urban setting in 2050. It is therefore the overloaded urban cores in particular that will need forward-looking mobility concepts with sensible alternatives such as bicycles, Segways, e-vehicles, hoverboards, monowheels, e-skateboards, city bikes, e-scooters and kick scooters. This will require adapted traffic guidance systems and speed regulations. In various foreign cities, micromobility models have already become established. In Swiss cities, the potential remains largely untapped. We will be following these developments with interest and are getting on board where it makes sense to do so.

Your contact

Hansjörg Rupp
Hansjörg Rupp Member of the management / Director of Staff

Planzer Transport AG
Industriestrasse 10
8108 Dällikon

Interview with Renault Trucks about our twelve new e-trucks

Twelve Renault Trucks e-trucks have been on the road at Planzer since summer 2022. They are mainly used in city logistics. In an interview with our competence partner Renault Trucks, we find out how fast the electrification of motor vehicles is progressing and what opportunities and risks are associated with it.

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