Our company is as good as the people who work here. So we’re always interested in highly trained and motivated people who love to learn new things. In Switzerland and abroad, we employ over 6'820 people from 98 countries, including over 400 apprentices in 15 different professions. So if you’re looking to pursue a career in logistics, you should definitely get in touch. You’ll meet experienced colleagues. And occasionally even standout personalities like Tom Lüthi, Göla & Trauffer and Curdin Orlik.

Basic training

As a family company, our horizon is defined in terms of generations. We naturally think and act with a view to long-term sustainability. So a job with us is not just a job, but a vocation. The younger generation of today will eventually help shape the working world of tomorrow. Currently, apprenticeships make up 8.91% of our positions across the group. Our goal: 10%.

Apprenticeships in 15 professions

Across the group, we offer roughly 15 basic training courses, mainly in the skilled trades. Over half of our employees work in a skilled trade such as road transport specialist, logistics specialist or automotive mechatronics technician.


Planzer stands not only for three generations of logistics professionals, but also for people who enjoy their work, always stay attentive to customer needs and exhibit a knack for teamwork. If you also share these characteristics, then take a look at our current vacancies.

Logistics specialist apprenticeship

2022 apprentices’ camp

Training and development

Those who want to keep pace with the times have to keep learning for a lifetime. That’s why we operate two Planzer training centres in-house – one in German-speaking Switzerland and one in French-speaking Switzerland. At the centres, we conduct all training and development for employees from all units and service areas. We employ our own instructors with a background in education.  A few training courses – namely the forklift and ADR tests – are conducted by external providers. In this way, we also support our industry associations, to which we naturally belong.

Central introduction of driver personnel

Before a new driver gets behind the wheel for us, they complete a five-day in-depth training programme at our in-house training centre. At the end of this training, participants take a test with almost 70 questions and are additionally tested on the following topics:

  • Practise drive with driving instructor
  • Conduct with customers
  • Work safety
  • Conduct in case of accidents and accident reporting
  • Use of the on-board unit
  • Trying on work clothing
  • General information on the Planzer Group
  • Vehicle knowledge and equipment

Leadership development

Times are changing ever faster and we also have to stay agile in terms of leadership. We define leadership development as employee development with the goal of making progress together. The leadership development courses are attended not only by the bosses, but also dispatchers. After all, they lead our drivers.

Planzer driving school

Our driving instructors optimally prepare the drivers for their everyday work on the go. We delve into key topics like environmentally sound driving and safety. We also offer continuing education training for our in-house drivers with category B driving licences (delivery vans) for categories C and C/E with classroom instruction and driving lessons.  Everything – apart from the exam itself – is conducted at our in-house training centres. The courses are also open to drivers with category B licences.

TDLO training

The Transport Driver Licensing Ordinance (TDLO) requires all holders of a licence to undergo further training. Within a period of five years, they must undergo five days of further training at an ASA-recognised training centre, such as the Planzer training centres in Dällikon and Penthalaz.

Here, you can take a look at our course overview and book a course directly – in German or French.


Tying a tie, sewing on a button, playing the guitar – there’s nothing you can’t learn with ease on websites like YouTube. With our e-learning tool, we enable our employees to do the same for topics and activities from our industry. Using our e-learning platform, employees can expand their knowledge using their smartphone, tablet or PC at any time or place – on their own steam and at their own pace. The tool is easy to use and it’s also easy for the user to gauge their learning success. We continuously expand the application with new content and courses.

Brief overview of the most important facts about our e-learning:

  • 24/7 access to technical knowledge
  • Anywhere, any time (with internet connection)
  • Interactive training courses make learning fun
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Self-assessment
  • Supports learning processes throughout the company
  • Available in German, French and Italian

Youth development

National Future Day

A day for the future isn’t much, but it’s something. On this day, we let curious youngsters take a peek over our shoulders as we work. Here are some impressions from the Planzer Future Day in 2019.

Let’s get to work

As part of the ‘Let’s get to work’ programme, we offer schools and instructors the opportunity to have company representatives visit their schools to give young people a glimpse into everyday work life. Read more about this in our ‘Let’s get to work’ flyer.

‘Blind spot’ training courses

The blind spot can indeed have fatal consequences. That’s why we raise the awareness of school pupils on safe driving behaviour with regard to trucks. Our instructors go to the schools with a truck. The local police are also often present. We instruct roughly 2,900 kids this way every year. Read more about this in our flyer.

Career path

Wherever you get started: we’ll get you on the right career path. After all, your advancement opportunities within the Planzer Group are outstanding. This is illustrated by our blog article ‘Flying high with his feet on the ground’. 

Flying high with his feet on the ground

The career path of Jorge Rodriguez reads like a biographical best-seller. His career began in 2006 with an apprenticeship as an E-profile commercial clerk in Dietikon. From then on, it was a steady succession of training and promotions. To be precise: Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, Director of Administration, Operations Manager, Master of Business Administration, Logistics Project Manager and finally the leap to becoming the youngest Planzer branch coach of all times.


While we bring the necessary brawn to the job, it’s always with a good portion of brains. That’s why we offer students internships – when it’s a good fit. And our business regularly inspires interesting questions for bachelor’s and master’s theses as well. The world of logistics encompasses a range of fields in which you can get ahead after your studies.


Age is no disadvantage for us – on the contrary. Currently, roughly 22% of our staff have cracked the 50 barrier. The fact that we like to work with older employees has a variety of explanations:

  • we benefit from their long experience and the expertise that they bring to the job.
  • Those entering the final stages of their professional lives tend to be extremely loyal.
  • Over-50s are generally beyond the family-planning phase and are therefore often quite flexible.
  • As an employer, experienced staff give us a certain security.
  • Over-50s also often take on mentoring roles for us.


Those who think the logistics industry is a men-only domain are wrong. We have women behind the wheel – both literally and figuratively. Throughout the Planzer Group, almost one in five employees is a woman. That’s far from enough, so we’re redoubling our efforts to also make our workplaces attractive for women. And the top apprenticeship exam result in 2020 was posted by a woman with a score of 5.6.

Welcome Day

Each year, all new employees gather at an inspiring location. Representatives of the Executive Board and the Planzer family welcome them and introduce the organisation. Our primary aim is to convey why we place such importance on our family and company values.


Simon von Arx
Simon von Arx Training manager

Planzer Transport AG
Langwiesenstrasse 12
8108 Dällikon

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