Blockchain isn’t hype, it is a technology of the future. And as we are always looking to the future as a family company, we operate a node in a 100% Swiss blockchain network. This gives us experience and a technological edge.

A glimpse into the year 2030: when goods are transported, suppliers, recipients, carriers, authorities and financiers all have to stay up to date and with the same level of information. Blockchain can make this happen. It works like a large, decentralised accounting system for data and virtual currencies.

Security with blocks and chains

Digitalisation has spread the copy-and-paste culture. Any digital dataset can be copied and reproduced. This means that digitalisation is accompanied by a loss of control. Where is the data and who has access to it? Blockchain technology solves precisely this problem. Anyone who owns a bitcoin (digital currency) cannot simply copy and pass it on. In other words, a blockchain protects information against forgery as it is transmitted using a decentralised database shared by multiple participants. The information cannot be copied.

A hub in the blockchain as well

We want to use the advantages of this technology for our company. Because it will shape our day-to-day business at some point in the not-too-distant future. That is why we have been operating our own blockchain node on SwissDLT/BLUchain since September 2020. This is an extremely energy-saving, highly secure and highly available Swiss blockchain infrastructure. It was set up by Blockchain Trust Solutions in collaboration with Axpo WZ-Systems on a dedicated infrastructure network. With the support of ETH Zurich, the network is secured so that data sovereignty is guaranteed at all times. The data is not only hosted exclusively on Swiss computers, but also never leaves Switzerland during transmission.

Keeping pace with the times

Our SwissDLT BLUchain gives us compelling experience in dealing with digital technology. In addition, we put our pooled IT car on the blockchain as a proof of concept. This gives us knowledge of a range of possible uses and allows us to perfect our service. As a participant in the Swiss blockchain SwissDLT/BLUchain, we are in fine company. Other prestigious companies and associations that use or support the network include the Raiffeisen Entrepreneur Centre, the St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences, the RAI Lab, Energieverbund Thurgie AG, the telecommunications company Comfone and ETH Zurich.

For our blockchain project, we have two expert partners at our side:

Blockchain Trust Solutions BCTS

This startup was founded in November 2018 by Jakob Gülünay, a specialist in electronics, IT and telecommunications, and physicist Toni Caradonna. Blockchain Trust Solutions BCTS focuses on blockchain infrastructures in Switzerland. It also supports the implementation of comprehensive blockchain solutions for applications under new and existing business models. This is carried out in cooperation with partners Axpo WZ-Systems AG and BSG Unternehmensberatung AG. 

Axpo WZ-Systems

Axpo WZ-Systems AG offers customer-specific solutions in the area of crisis-proof data communications. This includes the planning, construction, maintenance and operation of crisis-proof data communication infrastructures in both mobile and fixed networks. Its solutions are aimed at companies that rely on crisis-proof data communications (including emergency services, energy supply companies, transport and industrial companies and telecommunications service providers).

‘The SwissDLT blockchain is particularly suited to users of existing blockchains but also to organisations that value Swissness. Both of these apply to Planzer.’

Jakob Gülünay, CEO and founder of Blockchain Trust Solutions AG

Blockchain technology not only offers new and secure solutions for data storage, it also has the potential to completely replace previous business models. The question is therefore not whether you should use blockchain, but how quickly you can get on board. At Planzer, we want to have the right answer to this question at the right time.

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